Saturday, September 28, 2019

the boys are back in town

photo courtesy of Steven Reinhold
"The boys are back in town" is what my wife Carol says when the judo guys get together.

This past August we were in Fargo for my mother's birthday.  On Thursday evening us boys had a chance to gather for supper at the Porter Creek Resturant.

This is the yudanshakai, the black belt association, for Red River Judo, when I was still teaching there.

From left to right, Steve Reinhold, Clinton Adams, David Scott, Vern Borgen, "Vini" Vinicius Franco Siqueira, John Dixon IV and Jeremy Magelky.  Erik Jones was with us for a short while, but had to leave to make a meeting.  Holly Scott joined us for supper.  Steven Reinhold, thanks for letting me use your picture for my post.

Really special to see everyone again.

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