Sunday, October 15, 2017

Chemo #3

I didn't sleep well on Sunday night, Monday morning. I know it was the anticipation of another round of chemo. I slept fitfully. I didn't dwell on the chemo itself, I thought of judo all night long.

We got on the road about 9:00 am for the trip into Rapid City. I had a bottle of Mocha Smoothie Barium something or another that I was supposed to drink at 9:40 am for a CT scan at 10:40 am. I had previously tried the vanilla flavored one, which was awful, the Mocha was better but only marginally so. It took me about 10 minutes to swallow about a pint of the thick liquid. We got to the hospital, got checked in, and escorted to the Imagining Waiting Room, and shortly thereafter shunted into the CT. They got the line installed in one wrist, laid down and the scan began, it takes only about 20 minutes for the entire procedure.

Then we had some time before a blood draw was to be taken so we went out in the parking lot and checked out the solar eclipse with a pair of paper plates with a pin hole in one... it was about 10;15 and there was about 25% of the sun in eclipse. We drove to lunch at Arby's and after that did some shopping at the drugstore. As we were coming out of the store a nice SUV pulled up, window down, a young woman, mid 30s was waving a pair of solar glasses, saying, “Have you seen the eclipse? Do you have a pair of glasses? You don't, then you really need to see the eclipse through these glasses.” So we borrowed her glasses and looked at the sun, then I showed her my two plates and she was pretty impressed. It was a short, pleasant meeting in the parking lot with a complete stranger.

We returned to the hospital parking lot, it was about 11:30 am and there were a lot of people milling around in the parking lot, obviously enjoyed the spectacle of the eclipse. Our 97% eclipse was due at 11:50 am. As I was standing outside the car with my paper plates we were approached by a couple of guys and they struck up a conversation. They were taken with the paper plate method of viewing the eclipse. Then a guy came over with a welding helmet that he shared with everyone in our small group. Then a women came by with a pair of glasses that she gleefully passed around the now small group of people standing there. It was so nice to see that everyone was exited about the science of celestial movements.

The eclipse came and slowly started its decline. We were drawn back into the Cancer Center for laboratory work, a visit with the doctor and my third infusion.

The doctor's visit went well. The laboratory tests were good. The CT scan showed that my tumor had either remained the same size or was shrinking slightly, anyway both of those were good news. After today's infusion there will be one more infusion with the Carbo Platin drug and then after that I will be receiving only one chemotherapy drug, Prematrexid as a maintenance drug, again every 21 days for the next 2 to 3 years.

After the first infusion I got pretty sick on the 3rd and 4th days. It really feels like a bad hangover, except that I missed the fun part the night before. I got out of bed but didn't get off the couch all day. They had given me a schedule for taking an anti-nausea drug, two a day for 6 days. The pharmacist advised me when I picked up the drug to “stay ahead of it.” We drove on the 5th day to Pierre, SD and spent the night, if I felt better on Thursday we would drive to Fargo for my 50th year class reunion... we made it to the class reunion.

For the 2nd infusion the doctor modified the anti-nausea drug regime to 4 pills a day and I felt much better, not 100% but maybe 90%, I was able to read a book and felt like getting up and moving around. The “hangover” is still there but it is a lighter one. The hangover, with pills or not, starts tapering off after a couple of days and lasts about a week. Then I feel pretty good for about two weeks.

Third infusion was nothing different than the previous two.

I am still dealing with the new normal... coughing, especially when talking, laughing, getting excited or changing positions, like from sitting to laying. I am short of breath, walking 5 miles seems like a distant dream, I can barely walk up the hill from the underside of the deck. I did go rock climbing but had to hang on the rope after 20 feet of climbing to catch my breath and again at the top of the rock. New normal sucks but not much I can do about it.

We bought a used riding lawnmower so Carol can mow the lawn easily. It is too dusty for me to cut the grass and I have to wear a mask if I am going to do any gardening.

But not going to complain too much, the alternative is much worse.

All you all take care of yourselves.



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