Sunday, November 11, 2012

November is here

It has been a beautiful Fall in the Black Hills... perhaps a bit windy.  We have had a couple of days with snow but at this time of the year it doesn't hang around for long.

It is the 9th of November.  We are in week 31 of construction.

It is so beautiful here when it snows.  I am looking forward to getting the construction materials removed so I can do some work with the landscaping. 
Installation of insulation in the exterior walls and roof is done.
For two years this was our water system, twice a week I would stretch a garden hose and a 220 volt extension cord out to the well, rain or shine... a few times when the temperature was below zero.  With just 180 gallons of water we got very good at conservation.
Sam works on connecting the pump for the new water system.  The new system has storage for about 1,200 gallons of water... the tanks are rated at 625 gallons each.  I still have some controls and electrical work to do but we have almost endless water finally.

Luke and I completed the timber framing for the engawa on the west end of the garage.  It is going to remain open.  If the winter is mild, hopefully, I will get a chance to put on the roof and the railings so it will be ready for next spring and summer.

Luke installed the sheetrock on the ceilings and Carol and I are installing the sheetrock on the walls.  We completed the hallway yesterday (11/10/2012) and are planning to get one of the bedrooms done today.

And one morning Sam came up to the door of the garage, he stayed in the camper, for breakfast and said you guys have to see this....

Today, as I complete this blog, is Veterans Day.  I salute all my brothers and sisters in arms.  Thank you for your service to our country.  May the road rise up to meet your feet and may the wind always be at your back. 


1 comment:

  1. It looks great Van and Carol! Keep up the great work on the blog Van.
