Saturday, July 14, 2012

Framing week 13

It is the start of week 13. 

I got to cut out some mortises for a door frame.  The opening was not well defined when the timber frame was cut in the shop so I got to try my hand at field cutting the joints.

Mark Strege sets up plywood sheathing in the west end of the great room.  The plywood sheathing is necessary for shear structural strength.  The plywood will be eventually be covered with plaster.

Aerial view from cell phone rock, the only place on the property where we get good cell phone reception.

This was the last day of work this week, it was the 4th of July.  We took off Thursday and Friday.

On Friday Carol and I traveled to Dickinson where I put on a judo seminar for the Roughrider Judo Club.  We had a great time, the hosts, Jeff Ficek and Nick Lambert, were wonderful hosts, the hospitality was terrific.  And to top it off I ate another "Jeff burger", the most incredible burger anyone has every tasted!  Much fun.

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